Image of lighting
...and the chair
Here are some shots of the outfits I have in mind. I think that it will be stronger if there is a variety of changes to show time passing so that the process doesn't read as one day. Varying from dressed up to very casual. Things I would wear from day to day.
This first video is the building of the chair as it was the very first time we put it back together, but the more we did it the better we were able to figure out how to keep it stable. 3 toothpicks are better than one!
building from Angelique Gonzalez on Vimeo.
The next two videos are of me falling. In the first one the chair started to break before I even fell down and because of the angle it still looked pretty believable. Which got me thinking that this could be a way to execute the shots. If I can get the chair to start falling and I fall just after I may be able to land without hurting myself or the chair but it could be tricky.
fall 1 from Angelique Gonzalez on Vimeo.
The problem in this film is that I hesitate when I sit down. Pretty much every time I sat down I did that. So, I am glad that I figured this out before the real test shoot coming up next weekend. I think I am going to try to tape some padding under my clothes. Most of my outfits are not fitted so I am pretty sure that I can conceal it so it doesn't show of film. Maybe with a little extra padding on my body I will be more confident when sitting down on the chair. It needs to look as normal and natural as possible!
fall 2 from Angelique Gonzalez on Vimeo.
At the end of the shoot there was an unexpected student that came into the studio, Jonah, we asked him to sit on the chair that was already set up. He did and it was good because the chair didn't break right away. He knew there was something wrong with it but for a brief moment I think he thought he was safe. The chair did break and he said it hurt but that he was ok. Sorry Jonah! I did discover what I was already thinking which is that he landed on the back of the chair with his back. Once again I need padding!
unexpected from Angelique Gonzalez on Vimeo.